Hello and welcome to my blog!

As you might surmise by my blog site name and address, this blog is intended to be dedicated to books, though occasional posts might be to other things that catch my interest or topics that need to be discussed. (Such as some authors on Twitter acting the fool in attacking a YT vlogger.) 

Genre discussion
Favorite authors
Favorite books
Least favorite books

About reviews: I am not that good at pinpointing exactly what in a book makes me not like it...but want to use this blog to work on that. Ideally, I want to be able to offer constructive criticism to authors, just in case they happen upon my blog. I'm not looking to slam authors, but nor am I going to hold their hand. 

Anyways, intro post out of the way...

Happy New Year! Hopefully 2021 is much better then the shitshow that was 2020!

